International Areas of Operation

In Columbia, Houston American Energy has had a long-standing relationship with Hupecol. Houston American holds a substantial percentage working interest in the 639,405 acre CPO-11 block in the Llanos Basin operated by Hupecol Meta. Within this block, current operations are focused on the 69,128 acre Venus Exploration Area. The size of the block allows for multiple locations depending on the size of the productive field.
- CPO-11 block covers almost 1000 square miles with multiple identified leads and prospects.
- The Venus Exploration Area has had 2 vertical wells drilled in 2022 (Saturno ST1 and Venus 2A). In 2023, two vertical wells were drilled, the Venus 1H & Venus 2H ST-1; both are productive. Future activity will depend on the outcome of the vertical well scheduled for summer 2024.